I have found several purses like this one online, but not one exactly like it. I wonder if no two are alike. It is 5" across the top. It's 4.5" long, not including the beads. There are 5 beads along the bottom. Starting at the left hinge, there is a small flower with a raised bump, then etched lines running to the upper left corner. A larger flower in this corner then more etched lines to another small flower. Right in the middle, under the clasp, are the letters CBM, in a very fancy scrolling text. Then, the pattern repeats down the other side. The back only has small flowers by the hinge and larger flowers in each corner. No etched lines. On the inside, under one side of the clasp, is stamped CER. SILVER MESH PAT'D SEPT 7, 1909 2. The chain is the same on all I have seen online, a fairly large open link.