I have this sterling silver spoon with name MONTANA making the shape of the handle. The "O" is the largest letter, with what looks like mountains, river, and tree scenery, with the words "oro y plata" curving the inside top of the "O". In the inner part of the spoon, there is a flower with the engraving "Missoula" above it. And the words egraved below the flower say "Bittter Root State Flower". When you flip the spoon over, the end of the handle has an arched gateway of some sort. Above the gateway, it has the engraving "GATEWAY" Below the gateway, "LOWER FALLS" is engraved, and below that looks like a waterfall. Below the waterfall, looks to be a tall tree with a fence and flowers in front of that scenery. In the smallest portion of the handle, has "sterling" engraved.
I have looked all over the internet for a spoon that looks the same. But I cannot find it!!! I've come close, but the spoons do not match!!! I'd like to know a little bit more about this spoon, and maybe what the value of this might be!!!