I have a Thomas Edison W 250 Serial # 3432. I don't know much about it. It does still work everything seems to move smooth, nothing gets jammed. The bottom drawer also comes out smoothly. It has one original disc and the key. I was just trying to figure out the value this belonged to my Grandpa.
Thank You!!
Edison Phonograph
Demand and values for phonographs peaked in the early 1990's and demand has since leveled off a great deal. The edison machines tended to be superior products though and held their value better than most.. we see the Edison cabinet machines going at auction in the $400.00- 600.00 range.
Lovejoy I have had a post up
Lovejoy I have had a post up for a few days now, and see that you know quite a lot, I have had no replies to my post, and would love for you to check it out and see if you could help me, be great! Thanks, Watkins94