I have a Marklin toy called "Aeropal" it's a tin toy light house with boats. I was wondering if you could tell me about it. I have a sample picture and I also have the toy if you would like to look at it.
marklin aeropal lighthouses are ludicrously rare and one was recently auctioned for 45000 pound. if this is original and it looks it you are very lucky. easy to find on any image search as everyone wants one. i found 2 on auction in google . well done. http://www.selzer-toy-auction.com/englisch/frhaupts.htm
Re: tin light house with boats
marklin aeropal lighthouses are ludicrously rare and one was recently auctioned for 45000 pound. if this is original and it looks it you are very lucky. easy to find on any image search as everyone wants one. i found 2 on auction in google . well done.
Re: tin light house with boats
I have the same exact lighthouse but I'm missing 1 flag on the top.
Is it a reproduction? do you know if there is anywhere I could get a replacement part?
Any idea how much it would be worth?