These have been in my family for a little while and to be totally honest not only would i like an appraisal but I honestly am not sure what they are..Are they mini vases,Are they candle holders,sconces,parfait or ice cream dishes?they are approximately 5 1/2 inches tall and are hand painted.If anyone can help me out i would be very happy.I do know they are beautiful reguardless..Thank you so much !
Re: unknown discription
These were made by Westmoreland Glass. They are in the Lotus pattern. I'm not exactly sure of when they were made so you might want to wait for another answer. My guess would be the 1960's.
Re: unknown discription
The Jeannette Glass Company was based in Jeannette, Pennsylvania and was built upon a previous company known as the Jeannette Bottle Works. As the Jeannette Glass Company, bottles and dishes of all kinds for product use (drinks, food dishes, pickling jars) and by the 1900's, lights and pressed glassware was produced. A special bottle blowing machine was used at the glass factory to produce bottles and other practical glassware The Jennette Glass Co. closed in 1983
The CORNUCOPIA HORN STYLE. Vintage Jeanette Clear Glass Cornucopia Ribbed Candleholder / Vase - Handpainted THEY SELL FOR AROUND $20.00 EACH.
I think its 1950s
please note that I am in no way a expert on this.
Re: unknown discription
I have this pair with no decoration. I was told by Lorraine Kovar, author of 3 Westmoreland books, that the are Westmoreland?
Re: unknown discription
Westmoreland. Please note that I did say I am not an expert on this. I did spend a lot of time looking at Westmoreland glass, I never seen even one that looked like this. I did find a lot of the other name... Is your worth more? Also you did say yours has no decorations. I found lots of milk glass, only Fenton had something close.. I'm not saying your wrong by no means, I can only share what I have found..
Re: unknown discription
I did not mean to sound snotty! I don't know how much mine are worth, I didn't ask Lorraine when she ID'd them for me. She just told me they were Westmoreland in the Lotus pattern. Yes, they do look like something produced by Jeanette and I am by no stretch of the imagination and expert. I will see if I can get ahold of Lorraine again and get some more info. If I do I will post it here. Sorry again if I sounded uppity!