Plates like this with very little in the way of company markings are generally the work of smaller decorator studios who purchased pottery blanks from large producers in Germany or Limoges, France. The artists are often unknown, in many cases students taking ceramics classes. At auction plate like this generally sell for less than $50.00
Re: Antique hand painted plate
Plates like this with very little in the way of company markings are generally the work of smaller decorator studios who purchased pottery blanks from large producers in Germany or Limoges, France. The artists are often unknown, in many cases students taking ceramics classes. At auction plate like this generally sell for less than $50.00
Re: Antique hand painted plate
in russia i allready have proposition more then 150$. thanks
Re: Antique hand painted plate
Then if I were you I'd sell it quick, because that's more then these usually sell for. ;~)