I have some metal knock down bottles from 1950. I have found them online ranging from $65 to $100. But I also have some that are a little heavier and have ribbs aronud the lower half of the metal bottle. Looking for any info on any of these type items. Thanks
Re: antique carnival knock down bottle
Carnival games and gamesroom items related to Carnival Midways and Arcades has a fair sized group of dedicated collectors that might be able to help you out. As far as price goes, most I've seen datining from the 1920's through 50's have sold for less than $100.00. None of them I've run across had any markings on them.
Re: antique carnival knock down bottle
i have purchased 3 of the same bottles for less than 35$ . you need 3 for the game. they are worth about 50-100$ for the set . you want 3 of the same bottles for a set. they sell for verry little for just one.