This is a dresser or sideboard manufactured by Easton
Furniture Manufacturing company.
If talbot county Easton Maryland USA
mall of this information is from a tag on the back of
the piece. I know very little about it because it is in
an estate. Please see my pictures and maybe
tell me if has any value.
Re: Easton furniture manufacturing company dresser
This piece dates from the turn of the 19th Century and is what's know in the trade as "Poor man's Oak", the grain is actually printed on with a roller and finished over in a shade to resemble oak. Similar pieces can be seen in catalogs of the period (1890-1900) by Sears Roebuck and Montgomery Ward. Demand for furniture like this last peaked in the early 1990's and has been in decline since then. Comparable pices now often go at auction for under $150.00.
Re: Easton furniture manufacturing company dresser
Thank you for your input. I kinda thought that would be the case.