I have rescently purchased this item from a friend who had it for 25 years, and before he/she bought it, the previous owner had it for over 50 years !!!!! I don't know exactly what it is, and where it may have come from !! I had taken it to a show where people had their "hit and miss" engine's on display, and approx. 10 people looked at this and loved it, and of course they wanted to buy it !! The thing all of the people were saying is that they thought is was more than 100 years old, dating it back to 1900 to 1920 !! They had also stated they thought it was either a display piece or a salesman's sample !! Any information could and would be helpful and kept as new knowledge !! Thank you all so much !!
Metal (cast iron ??), and little wood.......
Distinguishing marks
Cannot find markings
Size and dimensions of this item
approx. 19-1/2 inch. long, and approx. 13 inches from bottom to the top of the tall pipe
Date Period
approx. 100 + years old ?????
unknown, but is heavy.... maybe approx. 20 - 40 pounds (just guessing)
This piece was bought by a friend over 25 years ago, and the previous owner before my friend had said it was approx. 75 years old at the time they bought it !! I just rescently purchased it for $150, taking a chance it's a good piece !!
eBay Auction Link
Price Paid (If known)
$150 from a friend who had it for 25 years, and the previous owner said it was approx. 75 years old at that time !!!
For Sale?