I just bought this couch for $550 from a person online who said he purchased it at an auction. You can tell it has been reupholstered and the wood it in perfect condition. There are little wheels on the feet that look to be ceramic? The wood looks like it it hand carved. He said he has the COA and will mail it as soon as he finds it. I wasnt that bothered by it becasue it is a beautiful piece and I love it regardless of the paperwork. Any info at all would be much appreciated.
Re: 1950's victorian fainting couch
It is Victorian and appears to be of the eastlake style. Victorian in age, more like 1880s/1890s. You are correct on the reupholstery. They come up all the time at auction for $100-$400. What you paid is what I'd expect on the retail side of things, some are listed all the way up into the $1500-$2000 range but as I said are readily available much cheaper. The seller probably made $300-$400. Sounds like you are happy with it and that's all that matters. I'm very confused as to what a COA would be mentioned. Common furniture pieces I have never heard of having COA's, the value and rarity don't dictate it. I presume he will be giving you the bill of sale detailing the lot when he purchased it if anything.