I purchased these tureens and platter at an Estate Sale. I have researched to no avail. I thought perhaps they were made by J. Ridgway but I can't find a Ridgway marking that matches. The soup tureen is marked on the bottom with a trademark of a decorative banner or rectangle with a ornate lion./dragon ? standing on top. Inside the rectangle it states, "Penang, Superior Stone China". Below the rectangle are the initials "J.R". The main color are green and a mauve rose pink with a white background. All of the other matching pieces are only numbered on the bottom. There is an old letter inside the Tureen from the owner that was addressed to an individual that she was giving the dishes to. In the letter she mentioned that these were antique and that she had only seen these dishes in a museum in Boston and that they were very old. They are heavy! Any information would be appreciated.