The Bankura horse, has its roots lying in the Panchmura village in Bankura district in the Indian state of West Bengal. It has been praised for “its elegant stance and unique abstraction of basic values“. Originally used for village rituals, it now adorns drawing rooms across the world as symbols of Indian folk-art and is the logo of all Indian Handicrafts
.Dokra’ is a non-ferrous metal technique casting using the’ LOST-WAX’ casting technique, used in India for the past 4000 years emancipating and embellishing itself through the sands of time and weaving itself patiently unto the knits of Indian traditional artwork. Dokra Damar is the tribe responsible for carrying on the legacy of the art in West Bengal, being the traditional metal smiths of Bengal, they gave their own touch to the ‘Lost Wax’ and begot the awe inspiring craft of ‘Dokra’. Though restricted within the borders of Jharkand, Orissa and West Bengal; they have extended their realm of fame throughout the globe.
That came from this site
I don't know if this is what this is but I was told this was a vintage item. It weight 3.42 LBS and is approx 15" in height