I found pictures of her playing as a young girl and a few awards she won for violin.
The only marking on the bows I can read is for one of them.
Anyways 2 smaller ones don't have labels on the inside that I can see but one is slightly larger and does have a label - one side says "Sanctus Seraphin I Utinensis Fecit Venetijs Anno 1730 and the other side says Made in France For the RS Williams & Sons Limited, Toronto there are 4 bows I am told one is french and one is german but from what I can barely see one says - H.R.Pfretzschner and then a space then a star, thereis also a crest on the bit thats attached to the strings and a pretty pearl like rectangle facing the strings - I can't see any writing on the other ones.
I'm thinking of keeping a couple for my girls and getting them restored and possibly selling the other one - though I don't know much about violins