We have a make shift portfolio full of drawings and ink portraits from the 1930s.
The larger pictures are pencil drawn and there are four, one seems to be a family on the farm getting ready for breakfast, the next is a barber shop scene and the third is a line of children waiting to see Santa The last one seems to be the family doing chores around the house there is a little girl washing her doll clothes and a boy carrying firewood.
There are also some portraits of men, one being an ink drawing of a man in a top hat (VERY 1930s)
. I have not been able to find any information on the artist or the art. Most of them are signed Ben Johnston(jr?) one was also dated '32 and on the back of one it read Ingersall (or Ingersoll) 6741 then 1253 NY Ave Brooklyn NY. Any information I can get would be a great help!
If I can get pictures I will post them.