I have acquired these unique set of Asian style brass, music playing, miniture statues.there are 14 altogether and a stand made out of a hard wood, and four brass tiears. I have tried looking them up and have asked around for awhile and still come up with nothing. the one person that i have found with the same but not all of didn't know anything either. The men are 2 1/2 in. tall and the board they sit on is 8 1/2 by 9 inches. The styles of instauments are drums, cymbols, xylaphone, and there is only one wind instraument. They all are gold color along with the tiears, i checked to see if there might be an engraveing but came up with nothing. I really hope that you can come up with something even just to tell me what i've got here.
suggestions of what or where it might be from is Asia. Egypt. and could date back as far as 1950's or earlier can anyone help me please!!!