Not sure of the name of the furniture piece. Not sure if it is a china cabinet or a curio. I have taken several pictures of the cabinet so you can see the detail on it. I also have taken a picture of a drawing I drew to show the dimensions. I am not that much of an artist but you should be able to make out what I am trying to show you. It has what is called a hood on it. A previous owner has attached the hood to the cabinet so it is now permanently attached. The shelves are made of wood and are held in the cabinet with wood pegs. In some areas around the top of the cabinet some of the wood is slightly drying and shows a little warp. There is a mirror in the back of the cabinet and in the back of the hood. You really have to look at it to notice it. Here are the approximate dimensions of each part of the piece:
Design on top of the hood is looks like it might be a flat fanned shell and is 5” tall. The hood is 10” tall (which the hood and design would be 15” tall) and 3’ 4” wide. It contains four pillars that holds the top up so you can put items on the top of the hood as well as on the top of the cabinet inside the hood. The two front pillars are 21” apart and match up with the door. The other two pillars are located in the back of the hood at each back corner of the cabinet.
The front of the cabinet has three curved panels of glass. The front door is the middle panel of glass and has the dimensions of 1’ 9” wide and 4’ 8” tall. The two side panels of glass has the dimensions of 1’ ½” wide and 4’ 8” tall.
The shelves placed apart as follows: From top of cabinet to the 1st shelf – 14 ½”, 1st to 2nd shelf – 11”, 2nd to 3rd shelf – 11”, 3rd to 4th shelf – 11”, 4th to bottom of cabinet – 11”. The shelves are flat on back and rounded on the front to match the inside of the cabinet. They are 15” deep and ¼” thick. They all have 2 grooves cut into them in the back so that you can stand up your plates without using individual stands to hold the plates in place.
The legs are the shape of lion paws and are 6 ½” tall. There are four legs with the two in front that are lined up with one on each end of the door.
I also have the cabinet filled from top to bottom with King’s Crown Ruby Thumbprint Glass. Some of the pieces have round prints and some are oblong thumbprints. There are also pieces that have etching designs on them. I have a spread sheet of the breakdown of what I have but not sure how to attach it. Some of the rare pieces are Punch bowl, the Condiments rack, butter lid – missing the plate, have a 8 piece dinning set. Everything is in good to great condition. You can see some of what I have in the pictures I’m sending you.
I would like for you to appraise the cabinet by itself, the glass each piece by itself, the whole set of the glass, and the cabinet with the whole set of the glass. So that would be four different appraises. Please let me know if you need more information.
I will make my decision on selling once I get some appraisals.
Thank you.