I have full set of dinner ware that was my great grandmothers and a plate with a date of a few centuries ago. It has all been passed down to me and I dont have any idea on any of it. I would really like to know how much the value of these items are so I can sell them, I dont have any attatchment to them and feel they would be better off with someone who can appreciate them. There are a few that are more recent but no clue on them. Any info on these would be greatly appreciated. The dinner set is Dynasty Fine China. It says 2002-20 on back of plates, also says Rapture, made in China. The last supper plate is warranted in 22 Kt Gold. The plate with the roses on it has a date of 1658 on the back. My great grandmother passed it on and said her great great grandma passed it on to her. The plate with the 3 women on it has a marking on back that says Bavaria. Numerous photos
I have full set of dinner ware that was my great grandmothers and a plate with a date of a few centuries ago. It has all been passed down to me and I dont have any idea on any of it. I would really like to know how much the value of these items are so I can sell them, I dont have any attatchment to them and feel they would be better off with someone who can appreciate them. There are a few that are more recent but no clue on them. Any info on these would be greatly appreciated. The dinner set is Dynasty Fine China. It says 2002-20 on back of plates, also says Rapture, made in China. The last supper plate is warranted in 22 Kt Gold. The plate with the roses on it has a date of 1658 on the back. My great grandmother passed it on and said her great great grandma passed it on to her. The plate with the 3 women on it has a marking on back that says Bavaria.
I have full set of dinner ware that was my great grandmothers and a plate with a date of a few centuries ago. It has all been passed down to me and I dont have any idea on any of it. I would really like to know how much the value of these items are so I can sell them, I dont have any attatchment to them and feel they would be better off with someone who can appreciate them. There are a few that are more recent but no clue on them. Any info on these would be greatly appreciated. The dinner set is Dynasty Fine China. It says 2002-20 on back of plates, also says Rapture, made in China. The last supper plate is warranted in 22 Kt Gold. The plate with the roses on it has a date of 1658 on the back. My great grandmother passed it on and said her great great grandma passed it on to her. The plate with the 3 women on it has a marking on back that says Bavaria.
this is an old metal service station sign that was given to us by an elderly gentleman. i have not been able to find another one like it anywhere would just like to know its value or any history on it it is 14x11 and as you can see is very interesting it is in very good condition no bends or creases just a little dirty
New Home Rotary Sewing Machine in cabinet. Made in Orange, Mass. Feb. 14, 1905. Serial # 3437878
I believe it was made around 1913(this coinsides with the serial #). Don't know if style is A, E, or F One drawer and top could use refinishing. As two secret drawers at top on each side, in front.