i dont know much ... its made of brass, wood and glass... The tag on the back says SALEM CLOCK GERMANY and inscribed below the tag in the brass is "Seven(7)Jewel" its a musical clock with four settings.silent; St micel; whittingt; westm... im not even sure how to wind it up or anything
This is interesting because it contains two almost identical teapots (slightly different floral patterns, quite different spouts, and one is missing its lid) on a ceramic base that is molded to fit the bases of the teapots. It's from Takito and has the typical Ts in diamonds, surrounded by Hand Paint Made In Japan, at the bottom of each teapot and the ceramic base. The design is floral with some gold trim on the handles, tip of spout, and tops. The glazing on one has cracked. I've been looking and can't find any double teapot sets like this - why would a set come with two identical teapots on a base, anyway? The spouts are also very different - are they both teapots? Is one for coffee? The ceramic base also has a floral pattern that is shown when the teapots are lifted up.
Full/Double sized brass bed. Has some scratching especially on the bottom of the legs. Missing a knob and one or two screws that I'm hoping to have replaced. Does have metal frame that fits it. May be willing to sell.
This is a Declaration of the 13 United States of America. We want to find out it's worth and then we will possibly sell it. Signed by John Adams and John Hancock
As stated, I found this mortar and pestle and en estate sale. I believe it to be brass. There is a design of a man with a staff going around the whole mortar. It seems to be hand carved because There is a lot of uneveness in the pestle. Unfortunately there aren't any names or anything on it to tell me more about it. If anyone could help me discover the origins and value of this piece I would greatly apreciate it.