All wood, child's rocking chair, good condition except it looks like some screws have been added on bottom of piece for support. I'm curious as to whether this is truly that old or not.
Handpainted made in Japan with Takito mark on bottom. Would like to find out more about history and value - i.e., what is this set designed to serve? And would anyone here know how much we can sell it for? Thanks so much.
This piece is made of a clay and in the form of an EFFIGY which shows a face on the front of the Pitcher. It measures 4 3/4" high. It is either Native American Indian made or Pre-Columbian from South America as far as I can tell. The person I acquired it from did not know what it was either. It does show hand painted black geometric designs on the body of the Vessel. This is all I know about the piece.