24 x 36 inch oil on canvas; artist signature "HYND" in lower right corner; No apparent damage; pencil mark on back shows $490.00 in middle of canvas; lower left of back canvas shows number 5543 and size 24 x 36 in marker. Purchased during longest yard sale event in 2010 and was told it was from an estate sale. No other information known,. There are 3 people, 2 females and 1 male in the picture, dressed in around period 1800 dress; man has back to viewer; one female dressed in pink, the other in blue; man has straw hat and smoking a cigarrette. Water in background, can see small boat on right and steamer type boat on left side.
This is a solid brass body of a Peacock. Looks like it is standing on a marble base. The Peacock is holding a ball. The structure surrounding the stained glass feathers is brass.
This has 2 small light bulbs shrouded in brass so it reflects through the stained glass feathers.
Color in pictures is not correct. I had to downsize MB which reduced color. This has fantastic colors.
Works fine. Will send pictures with lights on if needed.
I purchased this painting at an art sale at the local library. I am told that the artist is a 19th century artist born in Brattleboro Vermont, schooled in France, and set up shop in Boston Mass in the mid 1800's. I would like to know If this is in fact a W Morris Hunt painting. It is a very nice painting and I believe it to be original.
I've just astarted collecting antiques and purchased this chair because I love the era. The wood is oak, I think. The upholstery has been redone, obviously. I want to redo it and make it look like the original. One of the long back spindles has been fixed with some sort of dowling, not sure if it was wood or metal. It was done professionally as I almost missed it before I bought it. (actually I did miss it, my daughter pointed it out.) The springs need to be replaced as they are very loose and if you try to rock in it you will tumble backwards. Just wanted to know what it is actually worth, (I don't want to sell it) and what type of fabric do I need to redo the upholstery? I know it's also known as a carpet rocker but what kind of fabric would that be in this day and age.