This is a vintage passport of Hollywood Legend DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS jr ! Son of Hollywood Legend Douglas Fairbanks / Mary Pickford, close friend of Charly Chaplin. He was married with Joan Crawford!
There is a set of 3 black and white orginal framed photographs. They are of Haile Selassie, Billie Holiday, and Louis Armstrong. I am trying to determine the value of them individually or as a set.
The pictures in frame are 15X18 3/4 in. The pictures themselves appear to be 13X10 in.
For one thing, the actual painting is much darker than the image depicts. Sorry about that. What is bothering me the most about this painting is who in the heck is J. E. Courtright? He is nowhere! The painting itself is in poor shape, (I guess) but still very cool. It has paint cracking on right side of painting, but signature and date are still there. There is a hole in the top left of the painting, left by a spoon thrown by my Mom back in the day.