Beautiful vanity dresser piece. Original Porcelain wheels. Detachable mirror. Mirror backing has handwritten words "Stevens and Layton Ridgeway, Plympton 1898"
My mother brought it with her on vacation to me, I have had people try to buy it from me when I have taken it for appraisal but would not give me price because I did not want to sell it to them. I really have no idea what it is I have been told so many different things, I would just like to find out finally.
The box has dove tailed corners. Two of the corners fit pretty snugly and two are a little warped and a little loose. They are still intact though. The bottom board of the box is cracked along the grain of the wood the entire length of the board. There is a little sliver/chunk of wood missing from the middle of the edge of the bottom board. The wood of the box is scratched and scuffed, but in pretty good shape for old wood. The wood color is a red brown. (The lighting in some of the pictures make it look grey.)
The writing on the box seems to be stamped. The ink(?) is a faded white.
The front and back of the box reads:
I.C.C-14 (This is written inside a rectagular box)
One end of the box has a picture of a globe with "Atlas" written across it and "Explosives" written under the globe. It also says, "REG U.S. PAT. OFF."
This is a beautiful antique Figurine of a lady sittting on a vality with a gentlement companion.It is white with gold trim al around the vanity and the figures. Not broken anywhere, but it does have a yellow stain on the front (see Picture) also seems like a mirrow or any other objet is missing from the lady's hand and part of her necklace chain in hte back is missing. The piece has four marks 3 in gold, one appear to be the name of artist and some kind of stamp with capodimonte and the word deposse and made in Italy. Two more marks the blue capodimonte logo and a gold N with a crown ( please see pictures)
I will like to know the name of this piece and how much it is worth.