Charter's, Cann & Dunn 3-piece teaset. Family heirloom. I believe it is 1850s coin silver rococco revivial set. I think there may have been a 4th piece. Would love to value.
Back glass fully lights up when on and metal score rotator works in back. One nickel gives 5 balls, and items light up as ball hits them as long as machine is level. Minor paint wear and scratches. The pad on end of shooter is worn down. Item was taken on consignment; they bought it from someone in WI.
(contains keys for both the back panel and the coin receiver)
Dated 1839. Tourist pocket map of Michigan published by S. Augustus Mitchell. Sold by Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co. No 253 Market street. On the bottom of the map it says Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1834 by S. Augustus Mitchell in the clerks office of the district court of the eastern district of Pennsylvania.
This beautiful globe lamp is in incredible condtion. All hand-painting is intact. No chipping or wear of paint or glass. I believe the middle and base of lamp are brass. The brass has some normal wear with age. Beautiful antique patina. It is electrically wired, but I imagine rewiring would be needed for a lamp of this age, although all of the wiring appears to be intact. The pics are both of same lamp in different lighting.