The candle holder is iredescent in color and has purple tint and a little pink in it. It is no larger than a an a soda can.( as shown in the picture). It was made in the Country of Austria. It has a symbol underneath it. It looks like what the Romans wore on their heads. Inside the symbol the word Royal is written. Above the symbol it has The initials D>S>E>S. Underneath the entire symbol is the name of the Country Austria. In the opposite cornner the initials M.W.S. is written on it!!! When I tried to look up the history of the candle holer, I discovered that similar types of items were created in Europe around the years 1910-1920. Several other countries were making similar items as well!!!
I am interested in finding out exactly what this object it - i dug it up when i was metal detecting, it was buried about 9inches down, filled with soil and green in colour - i initially thought that it looked like a grenade!