The little sign reads "Menu de "L'amour." Menu of Love. I have researched the art and it's attributed to Jean Ernest Aubert. There are some chips in the enamel as you can see, I can send close ups of those if needed. Thank you for your help!!
Looking for someone to help me understand if this is something worth trying to sell or should just be taken to the thrift store. My mom and grandma are deceased and unavailbale for insights, aunts do not recall piece and dad only remembers that it came from mom's family. Photos show an accurate depiction of a dichotomous display case with three glass panels (of which only the middle opens) and three wooden panel doors (of which I believe the two outer are doors). The piece is not as deep relief as the pictures imply, but a great deal of it is solid and the bottom panels are all wood.
Walking stick has carvings on it, seven pryamids, 3 diamons, 2 trowels, fish, salamander or alligator, horseshoe, many other objects i dont know how to desctibe and date of 1901.
This is oak with orginal mirror . It has been striped from dark wood and left light wood. It is all orginal brass looking hardware . I have the skeleton key to lock it. No markings on it...It is pulling apart at one or two of the dowels but can be pushed back. you can see the dows and they look fine. I belive it to be over 75 years old
This appears to be an antique butcher's cleaver from 1800s to early 1900s. It has an oval halmark stamped on one side of the blade. It is about 14" - 16" long and has a heavy steel blade that runs through the wood handle.