This is a China Hutch made by Montour Furniture Company in Montoursville,Pa. It has a number on it. will send pictures soon. It is No. 147, it has wooden wheels.
Please help us learn more about these pieces. The frame and springs were what my parents got years and years ago from an old neighbor. They were informed they were from the 1920's. My parents got them re upholstered and they are in great condition, but need more detail on them.
I spent some time in Baghdad and found this in the market in town. Thought it was really rare and brought it home. The research I have done turned up that the bottle is only slightly rare. The only place that I can find the bottles are on Ebay and the larsen site. But to no avale have I found the emerald colored one.
These are a couple of pics of a pair of glass hats that look to be used as fruit bowls because they are both ground down at the top of the hats and sit flat when set upside down. My brother gave them to me and said they were a gift to him some years ago. He was living in Washington State at the time. I am uncertain of any other information about them.