Oil painting of Virgin Mary holding cross, unframed, very dirty and aged looking, age is unknown, would like to receive appraisal first before selling item, is approximately 24 x 27 inches canvas on wood frame with hand forged nails tacking into place. There is a 434 written in pencil on the back edging of canvas. There is what looks like a signature etched into paint in the left corner, but is very faint.
I bought this table on the roadside. The owner had it in his family for three generations. It's in great condition and slides out very smoothly...It came with four matching chairs. The design on the tabletop is very unique.
This glass bird was given to me by an elderly friend 20 years ago that immigrated from Englad in the early 1900s shortly after she was married...there were quite a few collectables in her house so that's what makes me believe this may be 1..there is a sticker on it so it may not be real old but it would be interesting to find out....it is not painted....the color is embedded in the glass...