I have showed this to several antique dealers and no one can tell me what they are. They couldn't even find them in their databases. I have been told they are corn cob holders, lemon slice squeezers, name tag holders...no one is certain. Can anyone shed some light or tell me what website I can go to. There is a lady in Poland who has some and she can't find out anything either. I would appreciate any help. Thanks.
goliath flowers on corners.4 circles on each side markings in cicles people a face ulm,1871 on other side circle markings stutt-gart,1881,a lady,small writing. in the middle of the circles two hands holding a circle that says gsetzl,gesch no star.on the other side the goliath made by m.hohner germany same flowers on each side.the it plays in c. the box isreddish in colorwith a snake skin texture on bottom and sides.THE other is an echo harp same company. it plays in c g on side says echo bell metal reeds registered,thats the c side on the other side g two hands holding a circle that says gesetzl/gesch in one of the circles it says grand prix paris 1937 grand prix geneve 1927 grand prix phila 1926 grand prix1893
This is a metal container with two compartments inside. It is devided down the middle and has access to each compartment through a screw-top opening. There are two oriental symbols on the front of it. Language and meaning is unknown by me.