This an engraved, colored engraving. This image was originally published in 1775 as the 12th and image in a work titled "Suite d'Estampes pour servir a l'histoire des moeurs et du costume des François dans le dix-huitième siècle". A description and thumbnail of this print appears in the Fitzwilliam Museum database at:…. The sheet measurement match the museum's discription. About a 1/2 inch from the print border is an indention from the pressing. Here is he other information from that database.
Year: 1774-1775
Duclos, Antoine Jean (etcher) French artist, 1742-1795
Bosse, Louis (engraver)
Eberts, Jean Henri (inventor) French banker, printmaker, 18th c.
It looks like a Japanese bath house. It all looks hand painted. Has design on inside of top ring. Raised letters on bottom of vase looks like spelling out CH or DH.