I have a recruiting plaque that appears to be stamped brass with black enamel in the depressed lettering. It's titled U.S. MARINE CORPS RECRUITING SERVICE. The main body is a description of job duties and a full enlisted pay scale. Then at the bottom it reads "all other information which may be desired. will be given at the rendezvous. recruiting rendezvous pardee's building, Chicago Lieut. H.C.Cochrane and is dated may 1866.
The story is that these where originally owned by my friends grandparents in Canada. Grandpa was a fur trapper and grandma started out in the world's oldest profession....
I can't find anything similiar online and am just looking for information.
the round spindel area where you screw the shade on says quoizel inc, has the number 11 on it, has alot of detail to it, when i measure from bottom of base to tip of shade spindel it's 40 1/2", heavy weighs approx 10 pounds, the shade feels like cloth, the cord is about 9 ft long, not sure what it's made of when i click my nails against it it sounds tinny, but like i said it's pretty heavy.
This statue has two markings- one on back and one on bottom of teak stand.
Statue depicts Asian woman with grapes over one shoulder and a basket in her hand. My Great Uncle was a very famous jeweler from Miami and they brought this statue back and gave it to my mother after one of the last trips they made to the "Orient" All are deceased so the best we can figure it was around 1950-1955.