I am seeking information on 2 art prints. I purchased them together this weekend at a flea market.
1st is a painting of Saint Petersburg by Giovani Sodoma that I believe was photographed by Edizioni Brogi. At the bottom it reads: 2191. FIRENZA - Galleria Uffizi - San Sebastiano martirizzato ; Giov. Antonio Sodoma Edizioni Brogi.
2nd one reads at the bottom: 2566. Roma _ Vaticano _ Genio di Prassitele
After a little internet research I think they could be albumen prints.Both were printed on thin paper and have identical cardboard mounting. They measure approx. 11" x 14" ( 8" x 10" not including mounting.) I am lost in a sea of information and appreciate any input or information you can give. Thanks for looking!