We ate a meal, sitting on the floor, in Algeria similar to this. It has places to set a cup. Went in a shop in Algiers that had a few of these, different sizes. Thought this would make a nice 'coffee table' for my formal living room. After I got this table home, I had it professionally cleaned, then a piece of plexiglass for the middle to protect it.. Found a very nice coffee table (glass top) with a fruitwood frame that framed it perfect. Amazing find.. No longer have the formal living room which is why it is for sale. Have not advertised it yet as I want to know more about it the tray. Where was it made? Is the writing Arabic and does it mean anything? Or is it just an Arabian type of calligraphy. Any information or direction to look would be appreciated.
think copper
Size and dimensions of this item
38 1/4" across - round
Date Period
bought in 1990,
18 lbs
I bought this in a shop in Algiers, Algeria about 1990
eBay Auction Link
For Sale?
These trays were made in…
These trays were made in huge numbers all over the Middle East and India for the tourist market since the turn of the 19th Century, they remain in production to this day and sell in Import/Export Outlet stores. These larger examples used as table tops tend to sell in the $150.00- $300.00 range at auction.