Nice Acme RED cedar chest, it was made by Acme Cedar Chest Company in South Bend, Indiana. Their is a lock but it needs a key. Includes sliding box inside. It is still very aromatic...smells like cedar. There are 4 copper straps on the top and down the front in their natural patina. The chest is 44 in long x 18 inchs tall and 18 inches wide. It is on casters ,to make it easy to move around. Fair Condition. I am 45 years old and this chest has been in the closet away from daylight since before i was born.
Early 1900's Red Cedar Chest Made by Acme Chests , in South Bend Idiana -Acme Chests Burned down on July 4,1916 from fireworks and they couldnt afford to rebuild and they never made another chest.
Re: Acme Cedar Chest Company
From what I remember the Acme Cedar Chest Company of South Bend Indiana was founded by Edgar Burner in early 1900's, the factory burned down on July 4th 1916. Chests like this we retail for under $300.00.