I was given this pie safe by the shop owner for helping out in the store. He believed it to be unusual because of the long legs and pediment top. It has the original finish. The sides seemed to have a brown "wash". The doors and front casing are oak I believe. The panel below the doors looks like it could have been a drawer but there is no idication of that looking at the underside. That piece aswell as the pediment wood is very tightly grained ( cherry or walnut perhaps ?) The sides are of another wood ( birch or maple ? ) the interior shelves are pine. The legs are 2 separate pieces the outside one is carved. The nails are handmade, the hinges are original. The door latch is probably not original but it is old, the left door interior hook closing is original the "eye" is not. The knobs also seem to be walnut . The tins are center diamond with circle and four corner circles. If I had a story to this piece I would imagine that this piece was made by an Amish farmer for utilitarian purposes and handed down to his daughter ( or son) upon marriage, at which point a few finishing touches were added to make it look more "polished"- the hardwood pediment , outside "carved " leg boards, the hardwood panel below the doors , and the knobs. I am thinking of selling it and would like an opinion as to its value. Its in excellent conditiion.
American Furniture
Mixed Wood , oak and pine (?), with six punched tins
Distinguishing marks
none that I have found
Size and dimensions of this item
63" tall, 39 1/2 wide,16 1/4 " deep
Date Period
late 1800's (?)
came from an antique shop in Harrisonburg VA, was bought at auction in Maryland, I've owned it for about 33 years
eBay Auction Link
Price Paid (If known)
gift , was
For Sale?
Re: American , six tin pie safe - mixed wood
A lot of times these piesafes are altered China Cabinets, the original glass panels replaced with copper or screen, most of them converted during the rage for piesafes in the 1970's and 80's. This can only ereally be determined by physically examining the item to see indicators of the modification. At auction similar pie safes sell in the $300.00- $700.00 range.