Unique bronze/brass lion figurine statue. Ornate rug on lion's back has intricate floral and bird pattern. Rug is red. Birds are blue. Pink tinged flower on the top of lion's back. The detail is etched into the body. On the forehead, there is a distinguished "U" shaped flower?
Possible origin: Indian/islamic?
Need help on this Lion figurine
Can anyone help me identify the origin and possible value? I found this at a garage sale. The lady's husband who had collected antiques had pass away and so there was no information on it.
Well the enamelling technique
Well the enamelling technique on the lions back and head is called "champleve", that's if it is enamel and not simly "cold painted " bronze. Strangely enough, a great many of these unmarked lions were actually once finials on Late 19th century French mantel clocks. Most unmarked examples sell for less than $200.00 at auction.
Thank-you so much for the information. This was very helpful.