Never cleaned, has the original patina, few paint specks. 3 way light function, upper and lower separately, or together. The plastic cord has a couple minor frayed spots.
This is a reproduction " Gone with the Wind" Lamp, named for the 1939 blockbuster movie of the same name. " Gone with the Wind" Lamps are of three types, original oil lamps made during the late 19th century,converted oil lamps from the same period, but electrified post 1910, and factory made electric versions made anywhere from the 1930's through last week ;~)
The plug looks like what was used right up to the 1960's.
Thank you for taking your time out of your day to answer about this lamp, and I'm sorry to bother you again, but do you have any idea if there is a market for this and about how much this lamp would be worth? If you could answer that for me I will greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance and for your previous answer, and if you don't have an idea thats fine. Have a nice day!
Re: Antique electric lamp
This is a reproduction " Gone with the Wind" Lamp, named for the 1939 blockbuster movie of the same name. " Gone with the Wind" Lamps are of three types, original oil lamps made during the late 19th century,converted oil lamps from the same period, but electrified post 1910, and factory made electric versions made anywhere from the 1930's through last week ;~)
The plug looks like what was used right up to the 1960's.
Re: Antique electric lamp
Thank you for taking your time out of your day to answer about this lamp, and I'm sorry to bother you again, but do you have any idea if there is a market for this and about how much this lamp would be worth? If you could answer that for me I will greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance and for your previous answer, and if you don't have an idea thats fine. Have a nice day!