hey i got this of my farther when my parent divorced. would liek to no some more info about it as i am the only one left in my family its kinda hard to ask about it.
i dotn no alot it seems to have 4 people on it dressed in millitary uniform. and at the bottom its got some wrtighting with a date from what i cna see says 1927 and g ghissi or something. any help will be much app ty.
it has 4 people millitary standing there 2 in a red and green unifrom and the other 2 in a white and black. the flag there holding has a crown in the middle with 4 reefs on the outer and a eagle on top. the corners of the flag are green red and yellow. i have owend this for around 14 years. and not sure how long its been in otu family or were it came from.\
it could just be a cheap thing or could be something nice who knows hopefully u guys and gals can help me out.