it is a black cast iron engine it has the #302 in big numbers and the letters AC "small"under the numbers,it is 8 and a half inces long and 2.2 inches wide,it weighs 2 and a quarter pounds,original paint it has 4 wheels on the motor part but the bars to make them turn are gone,patent # on motor is 2525288 246L664 25209L6 the number inside the engine cover is PA11098,there were no other parts found for the train,were not sure if it is a steam engine or not,it has a hole in the smoke stack,the wheels are also cast iron with a white ring on the wheel,we don't know the age or location it came from or the artist name,not sure if it runs or not we don't have a way to hook it up,this is all we know about it maby you can help with some information.
Antique Toys
cast iron
Distinguishing marks
302 ac in white letters on engine under window at back of it, patent number 2525288 246L664 25209L6,on the motor and PA11098 on the inside of the engine cover
Size and dimensions of this item
8 and a half inches long 2.2in inches wide
Date Period
not sure
2 and a quarter pounds
it's a black cast iron electric train engine that we found in our attic it dose not have an artist name only a patent number on the motor and a number inside the engine cover not sure if it is a steam engine or not
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Re: cast iron electric train engin
i'm sorry uor camera is not working at the moment so we don't have pictures