real, high quality jade can be a lot. If you have a reputable local auction house...take it there, but do not let it out of your sight. Also, Skinner, Sotheby's, etc MAY do a pictorial evaluation or refer you to someone.
Try visiting local museums with antique jade or even online for help/referrals, like to this one... Just get online & search out collectors. Be careful.
Re: Chinese jade statues of the immortal eight
Could really use some help
Re: Chinese jade statues of the immortal eight
real, high quality jade can be a lot. If you have a reputable local auction house...take it there, but do not let it out of your sight. Also, Skinner, Sotheby's, etc MAY do a pictorial evaluation or refer you to someone.
Jade carvings from roadshow... they may have only hit 1/2 their estimates but
Try visiting local museums with antique jade or even online for help/referrals, like to this one... Just get online & search out collectors. Be careful.
Good luck.