I recently bought this bed off of craigslist for $100. I didn't know any history or background of it but it looked to be pretty old. I was curious to find out if it was an antique or not so I did some research online and came across Chippendale furniture. I found a photo of a replica that had the same style. The bed I have looks much older and more detailed and is definitely hand carved. it has lots of scrollwork, rosettes and the footboards legs are the lion claws style.I found no markings on the bed that would indicate the maker. I know it's very unlikely that this could be an original Chippendale piece, but anything is possible. if anyone could please give me their input I would greatly appreciate it! thank you
Re: Chippendale style bed
Based on the images and the type of bed rail latch, it dates from the turn of the 19th Century. Pieces like this were generally lumped under the term of "Colonial Revival" style and were made right into the 1920's. Nice bed, at auction it would probably go for baout $400.00.