I have 2 diffrent one but they go as a set I do not know where they came from i never ask my mom or dad while they were alive but they have had these Oil Paintings for a long time i have never been able to find the Artist that signed them Because there Signature is real diffrent the Paintings are real pretty in both paintings there are people sitting at tables outside eather eating or just talking there are people walking on the Roads and there are people standing by a old i would say Farm House of some kind it looks as if it were a small town it has a small stream across the Road it has trees every where I can not say that they are Paintings of people from America i pretty sure they are from over seas may be France or Dutch Maybe Lot of Color in these paintings But like i said before I canot find the Artist who signed them Signature go like this V...l.i. that is what it looks like and i could be reading it wrong But you.ll be able to see it from one of the pictures I am sorry i have to re take the pictures but i did put the signature picture on there it will take about a day my sister has my Camera they will be here tommor
Oil paint Canvas and Gold wooden frames
Distinguishing marks
Signature is like this V...l.i.
Size and dimensions of this item
Both Paintings 20 X 24
Date Period
17oo to 1889 Colonial Period
Both Paintings are about 10 lbs with the Frames on them
My Mom & Dad had they for along time and i do not know where they got them from I just know that they had them and i always seen them on the walls of our home
For Sale?