I received this set from my grandmother many years ago.The set includes a large bowl @ 9 1/2 " dia 3" high, some chips, 5 small low/fruit bowls, 5- 2in. butter pat plates, 2 ice tubs ( 1 @5" dia.2in high, other 3" dia 4" high),1-3" dia 4" high vase/tumbler, 1 pourer/creamer some damage ( most used item in the set)
My great grandmother was married in Connecticut and remained there her entire life. She lived to be 104 years old, a wonderful women she was.
So I can only assume the set was purchased in New England in the year she was married 1909.
Any information about my set would be much appreciated, manufacturer and estimated value as I do want to insure this once I know more about it.