German family had just come to Mafikeng (Africa) The family had their belongings stored at My grandparents place. The german family contracted a black water fever and past away. Mother, Father and 3 children. My Grandparents had their belongings shipped back to Germany. While growing up in 1950s there were scetchings of european stags in this frame... The frames where handed down to my parents from my granparents and my father wanted to clean the glass in the frame and under the scetching of the stags was the picture of this little girl. We cant but help think that she was some sort of Nobility with the blue ribbon around her neck. There is no signature on the painting, it was said that back then in THOSE times when painters were commissioned to paint portrates they did not put their signature on them... but on the right hand corner of the painting it seems as is the signature were blotted out.
This painting has been with me all my life and am really interested to know who this little girl is.. some say its one of the German children of the family that died in Mafekeng from Black water fever.
Carmed wood frame and painting
Distinguishing marks
Has a German Trademark on back
Size and dimensions of this item
60 cm
Date Period
Victorian times?
+- 2 kg?
Past down from Grand parents
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