Glass punch bowl set with 10 cups and laddle, was my grandmothers so not sure how old it is, no writing or words on it to mark it, please let me know if you anyone can identify it and how much it may be valued at, thanks!
This looks like Early American Prescut. Anchor Hocking Glass 1960-1999
I assume your photo isn't clear, it looks yellow. Should look crystal like. The piece you have sitting inside the bowl is actually the stand. The flat side would hold the bowl. They are very striking to use for Special Times. I had one that was used for a wedding. Prices vary from time to time. I sold mine for $25 in my garage sale. Check the internet, now that you have the name of your piece.
Re: Glass punch bowl set
This looks like Early American Prescut. Anchor Hocking Glass 1960-1999
I assume your photo isn't clear, it looks yellow. Should look crystal like. The piece you have sitting inside the bowl is actually the stand. The flat side would hold the bowl. They are very striking to use for Special Times. I had one that was used for a wedding. Prices vary from time to time. I sold mine for $25 in my garage sale. Check the internet, now that you have the name of your piece.