I am writing to you about some Noritake china that my 97 year old
father has. He has asked me to find someone to buy it. He lives in St
James City Florida, I live in Northern Maine. Here is some information
for the china:
Pattern: Linton by Noritake
Pattern #: 7552
Description: cream body, gold line & verge, gold trim
Dinner plates 12
Salad plates 12
Bead plates 12
Cups/saucers 12
Soup plates 12
Covered casserole 1
Oval serving bowl 2
Small platter 1
Large platter 1
Gravy boat 1
Sugar bowl 1
Creamer 1
Salt and pepper shakers 1 of each.
All of this is in unused condition.
I have perhaps not listed quite all that he has, but this will give
you an idea. I have also attached photos that I took when I was in
Florida in December.
I would appreciate it if you might give me some idea of what this
china is worth, and if you, or any one else may be interested in
buying it.
Feel free to respond with an email
Thank you for your time. Lorna Smith
For Sale?