These paintings have no color loss or fade at all, never removed from their original frames, and are in perfect condition, with a minor amount of paint loss on the frames, which I'm beginning to think is intentional by Mimi, as it adds to the style of the art rather than detracts from it, and every other still floral pastel of Mimi's I've seen from this era is the same. These chalk floral pastels are very hard to find still available for sale. They are always sold immediately, and with good reason: they make you smile. If you've ever owned a Mimi Joy (real name Mabel C. Heyde) you know what I mean! We have redecorated and have nowhere for these wonderfully uplifting works created by a wonderfully uplifting human. If you don't know about her, google her Bio, please.
Fine Art
Chalk Pastel Paintings
Distinguishing marks
Mimi Joy signature on both, authenticity label on back reads "none genuine without Mimi Joy signature"
Size and dimensions of this item
Both painted by Mimi Joy on 9 X 12" canvasses
Date Period
Late '50s to early 60's ?
eBay Auction Link
Price Paid (If known)
For Sale?