Nobody can really appraise original art, or even determine if a piece is an original from a photo, you really require the services of an appraiser who will physically examine the piece to determine its origins and authenticity.
I only have one auction listing for him, and my records go back to 1986. This not generally a good sign sign, it means the Artist's work is either not in demand or sells for so little it's not listed by Galleries.
Re: Oil Painting by Leon Sherker
Nobody can really appraise original art, or even determine if a piece is an original from a photo, you really require the services of an appraiser who will physically examine the piece to determine its origins and authenticity.
I only have one auction listing for him, and my records go back to 1986. This not generally a good sign sign, it means the Artist's work is either not in demand or sells for so little it's not listed by Galleries.