I too have a painting of a vase of flowers with this signature and my
research on internet shows that a number of people have similar paintings
with this signature too. I have a feeling that they may have been mass produced originals by one very busy painter. Any more info would be very
I was just wondering if you found out any thing about the painting or the artist...my mother bought one of his paintings for a few hundred 20 years ago in St charles Illinois art show...She own 3'x 4' painting with two vases and flowers...very beautiful....If you find any thing out. Plwase let me know...thanks
I also have one that looks similiar in the extreme to the one you are showing. It's very lovely and in great condition in a beautiful frame. Small and quite pretty. No idea how much they are worth. Same signature.
-Kristen V.
Re: Oil painting of flowers in a red vase, by Robert Lox
I too have a painting of a vase of flowers with this signature and my
research on internet shows that a number of people have similar paintings
with this signature too. I have a feeling that they may have been mass produced originals by one very busy painter. Any more info would be very
Re: Oil painting of flowers in a red vase, by Robert Lox
I was just wondering if you found out any thing about the painting or the artist...my mother bought one of his paintings for a few hundred 20 years ago in St charles Illinois art show...She own 3'x 4' painting with two vases and flowers...very beautiful....If you find any thing out. Plwase let me know...thanks
Re: Oil painting of flowers in a red vase, by Robert Lox
I also have one that looks similiar in the extreme to the one you are showing. It's very lovely and in great condition in a beautiful frame. Small and quite pretty. No idea how much they are worth. Same signature.
-Kristen V.
Oil paintings robert lox
I also have 2 robert lox oilpainthings of roses in an a vase