These windows were purchased from an antique store in the Chicago area, they appear very old. Searching the inscriptions on the windows, turned up their translation and that these were part of the Lindsay Clan of Scotland's family crest.
I did some research and found some information about them. The first window (below) has the inscription Astra Castra Rumen Lumen Munimen. This translates to “The Stars are my camp, the deity is my light and guard”. The second window has the inscription “Endure Fort” which translates to “Endure Boldly”
Both inscriptions and the angry swan at the top of each window were used in the crests of Clan Lindsay of Scotland. This is a very famous family with documentation from the 1100’s up to 1800’s. See Wikipedia link below:
These windows were obviously a pair and meant to go together. I’m really intrigued with these two windows now and curious about the age and origin, especially with the new information i was able to find.
Re: Pair of Lindsay Family Crest Stained Glass Windows
Instappraisal was unable to provide an appraisal or any value for these. Anyone else out there know anything about these?