I found this bench in an old log barn and would love to know how old it is and the value.
I searched the net extensively and have not found one single picture of a church bench that looks like this one. Nothing comes even close.
Re: Rare Church Bench
Wooden Wood Church Deacons Bench Pew Primitive I wish I could see more photos and close ups. of the screws and dowels. cross cut marks on seat nails or screws..I have seen benches like this Asking $900.00 need more info..look at Esty .with Title I posted.
Re: Rare Church Bench
Thannk you so much for your comment. It helped me narrow my search and finally find more info on the web. Would you have an idea of how old it is? Also, what is Wooden Wood Church?
Re: Rare Church Bench
Benches like this were used all over, in meeting halls, churches, train stations etc. Examples like this one can date from the late 1700's through the 1840's. They are not considered rare, values depend a great deal on condition, examples with their original finish and a provenace to a prominent family or event can really hike their value.
Re: Rare Church Bench
Thanks Lovejoy - this is helpful.
Re: Rare Church Bench
Vincent, without knowing how something is put together, like what was used? type of screws,glues?,, what type of saw was used? the large part of the bench looks diff from the turned back and legs, ask why? when I was young, members of the church donated parts to make up benches, Factory or Bench made is some members shop? without close up photos it is very hard to say forsure what,where and when. good luck PS something is only worth what someone is willing to pay you for it...
Re: Rare Church Bench
Thanks for posting the bench. Long bench examples with original paint, as previously mentioned, and with provenance and overall good condition can command very good money. With that said, this one is missing a few dowels, is not painted and appears quite dirty, and the construction is very simple. I have seen much nicer examples offered in the $500 range. At auction, I think you would be hardpressed to get very much money out of it. Maybe $200-$350 on a good day. Potentially as low as $100 on a bad day.
Re: Rare Church Bench
Also called Spindle Church Bench and there is a Shaker Bench that is very similar.